Sample Curriculum

Theme: Myself and My Community
-Getting to know us, our families, our school
Expedition: Deer Creek Clean-up
Hirschman's Pond
Events: Indigenous People's Day Celebration
Celebration of Green Day
Trait: Growth Mindset, Feelings & Needs
Academic: Name & number recognition
Nature: Caring for our neighborhood, Apples
Self sufficiency skill: Fire & water safety

Theme: Harvest - Farms & Fall
-Seasons, What comes from farms
Expedition: Local farm visit
Leaf hike
Events: Dia de los Muertos
Celebration of Yellow
Trait: Cause & Effect, Empathy, Responsibility
Academic: Word recognition, number sequencing
Nature: Soil & plants, Pumpkins
Self Sufficiency: Staying found, tending our needs

Theme: Community Helpers
-Community workers, and our own contribution
Expeditions: Air attack fire fighter base
Public Works equipment visit
Events: Art fundraiser for local cause
Celebration of Orange
Trait: Negotiation, Kindness
Academic: Writing, number sense
Nature: trees & birds, corn
Self Sufficiency skill: physical and emotional boundaries

Theme: Diversity - Celebrating our differences - Holidays & traditions from around the world
Expeditions: Elderly Living Center visit
Library & Art Gallery
Events: Diwali, Hanukkah, Solstice, Kwanza, Omisoka and Christmas celebrations
Celebration of Red
Traits: Courage, Adaptability
Academic: Story, adding & subtracting
Nature: weather & water, citrus
Self Sufficiency Skills: mindfulness
Daily Schedule
-Centers- arts, crafts, games, and sensory activities that integrate the monthly theme, math and language arts
-Movement- Yoga, circle game, dance
-Welcome circle– welcome song, check ins, calendar time (math, language, science incorporated), theme concepts, story and reading, fingerplay
-Music- singing, playing instruments, rhythm games
-Snack- kids help cook, serve, sing thank you song, and clean up
-Outside free play- self directed discovery
-Group active games- focused on gross motor skills, brain hemisphere connection, balance, strength
-Garden time- watering, caring for kitties, tending our space
-Self care- potty, handwashing, water station
-Lunch- sweet community gathering time
-Siesta- with stories, music, stretching, putting our stuffies to sleep
-Inside or Outside free play- self directed discovery
-Art/Craft- integrated into the month’s theme
-Story & Discussion– story that integrates the monthly theme, or class meeting time
-Clean up time- kids take time to be stewards of their community space
-Snack- kids help serve, sing, and clean up
-Closing circle- puppet show, circle game, gratitudes/favorite moments, closing song